Recently we have received many calls from anxious clients wondering if they can still access Art Therapy through their NDIS plan after recent changes to NDIS. We have also received conflicting information from some Support Coordinators. So we went to the source and contacted the NDIA, ANZACATA (The Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapy Association) and PACFA ( Psychotherapist & Counsellors Federation of Australia) to get clarification. The good news is, it has been confirmed that Art Therapy, provided by Masters Qualified Allied Health Practitioners using evidence-based processes is still available to NDIS participants. Below is the official email we received from the CEO of ANZACATA quoting Suzi McLeod, Director, Provider Engagement Branch, National Disability Insurance Agency.
ANZACATA’s CEO, Dr Kate Dempsey, has advised that the NDIA has informed ANZACATA that nothing has changed and nothing is planned to change….. We have had it confirmed from Suzi McLeod who says
I have reached out to internal areas regarding communication on art therapy funding and confirmed there has been no changes to internal advice. Suzi McLeod, Director, Provider Engagement Branch, National Disability Insurance Agency
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